Hey, everyone. It’s Ainslee Charles, your Ventura County realtor. I am here at a property up on Elisa Street in Ventura. I have some buyers that just got into escrow and during their inspection period are doing all of their inspections today. We are having a general home inspection as well as a termite inspection. Potentially next week a foundation specialist might come in, depending on what’s found today.
So just to give you a quick little rundown of what your home inspector’s looking for. They are looking at the guts of the property. They’re looking at what the big components look like of the property. You and I are going to walk into a property. We’re going to fall in love with the finishes. We’re going to fall in love with the floor plan. Your home inspector’s coming in to really give you the ins and outs of your home that you’re about to purchase.
They’re looking at the plumbing, the electrical, the HVAC, the roof. They’re really going through with a fine tooth comb and giving you all of the details about the property that you and I may not think about. In this case, I didn’t really realize, but there’s two fireplaces here and one’s not even set up, currently. We were able to turn one on and it got nice and toasty warm in here. However, the other fireplace is capped off. So, in that scenario, it’s good for the buyer to know that maybe only one fireplace works, maybe they capped it for a reason. Maybe it’s just capped because they never used it. And so they figured, “Let’s just shut it off. And if we want to use it, we can then set it up again.”
So all of those things that you and I may not see or notice in a property, that’s exactly what they’re here to do. They walk in and out of the property. They check pretty much every electrical outlet to make sure that it’s loose, it’s grounded, it’s properly installed. Make sure that you have all of your GFCI where it’s required close to your wet spaces. They make sure that, with the plumbing, all of your water pressure is good. They get up on the roof, depending on what kind of roof it is, but they make sure that it’s all set properly. This one is a concrete tile roof. They actually found some of the tiles are cracked. So it’s important to know that because that could be a potential leak in the future, when it rains. Hopefully we’ll get some rain soon.
But with that, what it does is it opens up an opportunity for us as the buyers to go in and request the seller to either make some repairs or ask for a credit to do those repairs ourselves, once we actually close escrow. And it’s important to know that just because you and I, we don’t know everything there is to know about these properties. These people are licensed by, usually, the State of California and they have to follow specific licensing guidelines that allow them to do these kinds of inspections and qualify them for doing such inspections.
The termite inspector came in, found some wood rot, found some dry rot, found a little bit of fungus, found some active termites. In this case, he’s suggesting a fumigation, which is when you see those big blue or yellow tents over a property for a couple of days. They pumped the gas into that and get rid of any of the active termites. We can talk more about that on another video.
But I just want to give you guys a quick rundown of what it looks like once you get into escrow, what your home inspections look like, what your inspections overall look like. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. (805) 232-8503. Again, Ainslee Charles. You’re Ventura County realtor, (805) 232-8503. Bye.