4 Tips For Selling a House In Oxnard This Summer

Traditionally in most markets, spring is the best time to list and sell a house, with fall coming in a close second. Summer has a few selling challenges that other seasons don’t have: kids are out of school, people are on vacation, and summer activities keep a lot of people busy. So selling during the … Continued

Evaluating Your Moving Costs in Ventura County

When it comes time to move, most of us have to budget carefully. But we can’t work up any kind of budget till we get a handle on the moving costs. There are, of course, a ton of smaller items involved in a move that will add to the cost, things such as boxes, tape, … Continued

Tax Benefits for First Time Home Buyers in Ventura County

With the recent tax reforms and the new tax laws, the tax landscape is changing for homeowners, dramatically for some. First time home buyers, in particular, must know what it means for them. Despite the tax changes (some of them not so favorable for some homeowners), the government still allows tax breaks for existing and … Continued
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