8 Tips To DIY Your Move In Ventura County

Okay, so you’re planning to move . . . and want to save some money. You won’t do it by hiring a moving company – you’ll save only time and energy. The average cost for a long distance move using a moving company is about $4,300, based on an average weight of 7,400 pounds and … Continued

Our Home Buying Guide For Millennials In Ventura County

Not long ago, many people thought Millennials would never wind up buying homes. That, however, has changed. Millennials have bought more homes in the last few years than Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers. A whole lot of them are grabbing onto the American dream of homeownership. Still, Millennials face certain challenges for home buying. But if … Continued

How To Handle Cloudy Title In Ventura County

It happens sometimes that people think they own their home when they actually don’t (or don’t clearly own it). The problem in such a case is usually what is known as cloudy title – a situation in which a title search reveals that the actual property owner is unclear. In the case of cloudy title, … Continued

Our Home Buying Guide For Generation Z in Ventura County

A great many of those who are members of the so-called Generation Z are eager to buy a home and more than ready to do what it takes. Generation Z (also called the “Digital” or “Net” generation) comprises people born roughly between 1996 and 2010. And that means a lot of them are entering the … Continued

How To Sell Your House For 10% More In Ventura

If you’re anything like most sellers, you have two main goals: to sell your house quickly and for as much as reasonably possible. And these two goals are intimately related – what makes a house sell fast usually makes it sell for more. So when you do what you need to do, it’s a two-for. … Continued
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